About Encounter Jesus Ministries International

EJMI is a non-denominational/ inter denominational ministry with an apostolic mandate to raise believers who are sons, priests and kings who sustain an experiential knowledge of God, and walk in the fullness of their eternal ordinations

The Motto

Experience Intimacy, Transformation & Dominion

Encounter Jesus Ministries International

Laying the Foundations

New Horizons

The Year of Establishment

New Dimension

The Year of Great Harvest

Leading the Way

The Year of Supernatural Dominion

Our Values

The Cornerstones of Our Commitment to our God given mandate


Our mission is to provide an inspiring and inclusive learning environment that nurtures every student’s potential. We strive to cultivate academic excellence, personal growth, and a commitment to lifelong learning, empowering students to become leaders and positive contributors to society.


Our vision is to raise a tribe of sons that do the will of their heavenly Father, priests that bear the burdens of their Lord and Kings that advance the Kingdom of God and reign in life.
( Ephesians 4 : 11-13, Romans 8 : 14, 1 Peter 2 : 9 and Revelations 1 : 6 )


Believing that all scriptures are given by inspiration to God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness; Our Ministry shall teach the importance of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in daily living and an overcoming Christian life. The scriptures in the light of the redemptive work of Christ and as revealed by the Holy Spirit shall be the only rule for our standard of conduct, discipline and government in our Ministry and Christian work.


Personal and intimate walk with the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:14, John 16:13


A lifestyle of consistent and protracted prayer Acts 6:4

Soul Winning

This is the great commission, which is reconciling men to God, just as we have been reconciled

Righteousness & Excellence

Radiating the glory and beauty of God as a lifestyle Titus 2:11


A lifestyle of generous giving 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, Matthew 6:21

The Word

A word centered living 1 Timothy 4:13-16, Matthew 4:4

Contact Us
Contact Us

Shepherds of our flock

Apostle Michael Orokpo PhD

Apostle Michael Orokpo is the President of Encounter Jesus Ministries International. He is a dynamic and passionate leader, known for his insightful teachings and unwavering commitment to the call of God. Apostle Orokpo's ministry is characterised by a strong emphasis on spiritual growth, personal transformation, and the manifestation of God's power. Through his preaching, teaching, and leadership, he inspires individuals to deepen their relationship with Christ and live a life of purpose and impact.  He is a firm believer in the power of prayer and encourages others to cultivate a vibrant prayer life.

Dr Osenaga Orokpo
Secretary General

Dr Osenaga Orokpo brings a unique blend of administrative skills, organisational expertise, and a deep understanding of the ministry's vision to her role.  As Secretary General, she oversees key administrative functions, ensuring the smooth and effective running of the ministry's various programs and initiatives.  Dr. Orokpo's commitment to excellence and her attention to detail contribute significantly to the overall effectiveness of Encounter Jesus Ministries International.  Beyond her administrative responsibilities, she is a source of strength and encouragement within the ministry, known for her wisdom, compassion, and unwavering faith.

Pastor Sunny Owena
Driector of Soul winning

Pastor Sunny possesses a deep passion for sharing the Gospel and connecting people with the love and grace of God.  With a heart for evangelism, Pastor Sunny provides leadership and guidance to the ministry's outreach programs, equipping and inspiring others to share their faith.  He is instrumental in developing and implementing strategies that effectively reach those who are seeking God, fostering a culture of evangelism within the church community.

Pastor Godwin Ijuo
Director of Missions

Pastor Godwin is a seasoned minister with over ten years of experience, gifted as both a prophetic teacher and an evangelist.  His ministry is marked by powerful crusades and outreaches where numerous people have experienced healing and deliverance.  Beyond preaching, he is also an accomplished psalmist and songwriter with a collection of recorded music.  In addition to his pastoral work, Pastor Godwin holds a PhD in physical chemistry and is a respected university lecturer.

Discover Discipleship
Discover Discipleship

“Nothing is wrong unless it stops hearing God's voice. Things don't work because you are working, things work. because God is still speaking”

Apostle Michael Orokpo PhD.